When setting (default-)values for parameters, you sometimes want to use a value that is only known when the workspace is actually instantiated.

We have installed placeholders for a couple of useful values.

You can reference to such a value by putting a particular code in the place of the desired value.

This is an overview of these placeholders.


The code "==IP==" in a parameter value will be replaced with the public IP-address of the created workspace.

This is also the IP-address that is used to login to the workspace via ssh.


Wherever the code "==USERNAME==" is put it will be replaced with the name of the user who is currently logged in to the portal.


The unique identifier of the owner of the current workspace.

The owner is the user who created the workspace.

The "user", however can be any user who logs in to the workspace.

Any member of the CO, thus.


The unique identifier of the CO for which the current workspace is created.


The id that uniquely identifies the current resource inside SURF Research Cloud.

A resource might be e.g. a virtual machine or a storage volume.


Applicable for workspaces that are accessible through TOTP.

"==REVERSE_PROXY==" will be replaced by a valid url for the workspace.

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