Versions Compared


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As Snellius is a new system and was newly installed and configured some things might not be fully working yet and are still in the process of being set up. Here , we list the issues that are known to us and that you don't have to report to the Service Desk. Of course, if you encounter issues on Snellius not listed here then please let us know (through the Service Desk).

Table of Contents


Resolved issues (updated 20-11-22 10:13)

Project spaces

Project space data should be complete and writeable as of October 20, 10:30. Please check your data.

Remote visualization

The remote visualization stack is available as of November 22nd, 10:13. The relevant module is called remotevis/git on both Snellius and Lisa, containing the vnc_desktop script to launch a remote VNC desktop .


The password needed to log into the VNC server on Snellius has changed, compared to Cartesius. On both Snellius and Lisa the credentials used to log into the VNC server are your regular CUA username and password. There is no longer a separate VNC password.

Accounting not active in October

Your jobs will not get accounted against your budget in the month of October. For jobs starting in November accounting will be fully active, including jobs submitted in October which have not started before November 1st.

Infiniband and file system performance

We found that the infiniband connections are not always stable, and may be underperforming. Similarly, the GPFS file systems (home, project and scratch) are not performing as expected. Reading/writing large files performs as expected, but reading/writing many small files is slower than expected. Among other things, this can affect the time it takes to start a binary, run commands, etc.

We are looking into both issues. 


Using NCCL for GPU <=> GPU communication

NCCL is a communication library that offers optimized primitives for inter-GPU communication. We have found that it often hangs during initialization on Snellius. Probability of a hang during init increases with the amount of GPUs in the allocation. The issue is that NCCL sets up its communication using an ethernet-based network interface. By default, it selects the 'ib-bond0' interface, which supports IP over the infiniband network in Snellius. This interface seems to be experiencing issues however.

As a workaround, you can configure NCCL to use the traditional ethernet interface, which on Snellius GPU nodes is called 'eno1np0', by exporting the following environment variable

Code Block
export NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=eno1np0

Note that if you use mpirun as launcher, you should make sure that it gets exported to the other nodes in the job too 

Code Block
mpirun -x NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME <my_executable_using_nccl>

(note that when launching your parallel application with srun, your environment gets exported automatically, so the 2nd step is not needed).

Impact on performance of this workaround is expected to be minimal: the traditional ethernet interface is only used to initialize  the connection. Any further NCCL communication between nodes is performed using native infiniband.

Cartopy: ibv_fork_init() warning

Users can encounter the following warning message, when import "cartopy" and "netCDF" modules in Python:

Code Block
>>> import netCDF4 as nc4
>>> import as ccrs
[1637231606.273759] [tcn1:3884074:0]          ib_md.c:1161 UCX  WARN  IB: ibv_fork_init() was disabled or failed, yet a fork() has been issued.
[1637231606.273775] [tcn1:3884074:0]          ib_md.c:1162 UCX  WARN  IB: data corruption might occur when using registered memory.

The issue is similar to the one reported here. The warning will disappear if "cartopy" is imported before "netCDF".

Another solution is to disable OFI before running the python script:

Code Block
$ export OMPI_MCA_btl='^ofi'
$ export OMPI_MCA_mtl='^ofi'


Attaching to a process with GDB can fail

When using gdb -p <pid> (or the equivalent attach <pid>  command in gdb) to attach to a process running in a SLURM job, you might encounter errors or warnings related to executable and library files than cannot be opened:

Code Block
snellius paulm@gcn13 09:44 ~$ gdb /usr/bin/sleep -p 1054730
GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2-15.el8
Reading symbols from /usr/bin/sleep...Reading symbols from .gnu_debugdata for /usr/bin/sleep...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Attaching to program: /usr/bin/sleep, process 1054730
Error while mapping shared library sections:
Could not open `target:/lib64/' as an executable file: Operation not permitted
Error while mapping shared library sections:
Could not open `target:/lib64/' as an executable file: Operation not permitted

Such issues will also prevent symbols from being resolved correctly, making debugging really difficult.

The reason that this happens is that processes in a SLURM job get a slightly different view of file system mounts (using a so-called namespace). When you want to attach GDB to a running process and use SSH to log into the node where the process is running, the gdb  process will not be in the same namespace, causing GDB to have issues to directly access the binary (and its libraries) you're trying to debug.

The workaround is to use a slightly different method for attaching to the process:

  1. $ gdb <executable> 
  2. (gdb) set sysroot / 
  3. (gdb) attach <pid> 

For the example above, to attach to /usr/bin/sleep  (PID 1054730) the steps would become:

Code Block
# Specify the binary to attach to, so GDB can resolve its symbols
snellius paulm@gcn13 09:50 ~$ gdb /usr/bin/sleep 
GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2-15.el8
Reading symbols from /usr/bin/sleep...Reading symbols from .gnu_debugdata for /usr/bin/sleep...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Missing separate debuginfos, use: yum debuginfo-install coreutils-8.30-8.el8.x86_64

# Tell GDB to assume all files are available under /
(gdb) set sysroot /

# Attach to the running process
(gdb) attach 1055415
Attaching to program: /usr/bin/sleep, process 1055415
Reading symbols from /lib64/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Reading symbols from /lib64/ debugging symbols found)...done.
0x0000153fd299ad68 in nanosleep () from /lib64/

(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000153fd299ad68 in nanosleep () from /lib64/
#1  0x000055e495e8cb17 in rpl_nanosleep ()
#2  0x000055e495e8c8f0 in xnanosleep ()
#3  0x000055e495e89a58 in main ()


Batch system

Allocating multiple GPU nodes

Normally, batch scripts like

Code Block
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH -n 8
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --gpus=8
#SBATCH -t 20:00
#SBATCH --exclusive

module load ...

srun <my_executable>

Should get you an allocation with 2 GPU nodes, 8 gpus, and 4 MPI tasks per node. However, right now, there is an issue related to specifying an amount of GPUs larger than 4: jobs with the above SBATCH arguments that use OpenMPI and call srun or mpirun will hang.

Instead of specifying the total number of GPUs, please specify the number of GPUs per node, combined with the number of nodes instead. E.g.

Code Block
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=4
#SBATCH -t 20:00
#SBATCH --exclusive

module load ...

srun <my_executable>

This will give you the desired allocation with a total of 2 GPU nodes, 8 gpus, and 4 MPI tasks per node, and the srun (or mpirun) will not hang.

myquota command not available

The myquota command, used to check the disk quota on the system, is not available on Snellius at the moment. We are currently working to port it to the new system. 

Project space quota exceeded on Snellius

During the data-migration of the project spaces contents from Cartesius to Snellius, there was a considerable time (weeks) in which there was no freeze on the (Cartesius) source side, in which users kept working, causing files to be created, and sometimes also deleted. During the resync runs, the migration software has kept a things in sync  by "soft deleting" files that were migrated but at a later stage appeared to be no longer present on the Catesius side. That is: rather than actually remove them, the AFM software moved them into a .ptrash directory.

Depending on the productivity and rate of data turnover of users in the last weeks of Cartesius, this can add up and cause "quota pressure" for users. The .ptrash directories are owned by root. Snellius system administration has to delete them, users cannot do it themselves. Several quota-related service desk tickets may have this as their root cause - but only for project spaces. Home directories were migrate in a different manner and do not have this issue.

Missing software packages

A number of software packages of the 2021 environment and system tools, are still being installed and it might take a few days to become available (status as of 16/11/21):

  • BLIS-3.0
  • Darshan-3.3.1
  • DFlowFM
  • EIGENSOFT-7.2.1
  • Extrae-3.8.3
  • FSL-6.0.4
  • LAMMPS-29Oct2020
  • RStudio-Server-1.4.1717
  • swak4foam
  • Trilinos-13.0.1
  • ncview-2.1.7
  • gedit
  • nedit

Cartopy: ibv_fork_init() warning

Users can encounter the following warning message, when import "cartopy" and "netCDF" modules in Python:

Code Block
>>> import netCDF4 as nc4
>>> import as ccrs
[1637231606.273759] [tcn1:3884074:0]          ib_md.c:1161 UCX  WARN  IB: ibv_fork_init() was disabled or failed, yet a fork() has been issued.
[1637231606.273775] [tcn1:3884074:0]          ib_md.c:1162 UCX  WARN  IB: data corruption might occur when using registered memory.

The issue is similar to the one reported here. The warning will disappear if "cartopy" is imported before "netCDF".

Intel toolchain on GPU nodes

Running my MPI job 

I am getting the following error when I run my MPI job

Code Block
srun: error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for mpi/pmix_v2 looking at all files
srun: error: cannot find mpi plugin for mpi/pmix_v2
srun: error: MPI: Cannot create context for mpi/pmix_v2
srun: error: MPI: Unable to load any plugin
srun: error: Invalid MPI type 'pmix_v2', --mpi=list for acceptable types

This error occurs when one tries to use srun along with a process management interface (PMI) version that is not available. The reason for the non-availability could be that the pmi version was upgraded recently. The user can also force a particular pmix  version to be used within their application by using the execution command in the following manner:

Code Block
srun --mpi=pmix_v2 <rest of the command>

In the above case, pmix_v2  is not available anymore.


The best way to use srun  without the --mpi  option or yet still, if you want to force pmix usage, do not specify the version, scheduler will choose the latest version that is installed:

Code Block
srun --mpi=pmix <rest of the command>

If you want to list the pmi  versions that are available, you can do that by executing the following on the command line:

Code Block
$ srun --mpi=list
MPI plugin types are...
specific pmix plugin versions available: pmix_v4

Some background regarding Process Management Interface (PMI):

PMI provides an API and a library which interacts with different MPI libraries via the API to facilitate inter process communication. PMI libraries typically store processor/rank information in the form of a database which the MPI libraries can query and perform communication. For further reading please refer to: and and Status as of 18/11/21: at this moment, the "intel" toolchain from the 2021 software stack is not functioning on GPU nodes .