
As a user of Snellius or Lisa, you want to access the data archive, but you get the following error.

$ cd /archive/<username>
-bash: cd: /archive/<username>/: Permission denied


You are trying to access the archive folder of another user:

If you are trying to access the archive folder, you do not have permission to do so.
If you need access to this folder, you can ask him to add you: Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Please note that the Data Archive is not suited for sharing of data. 

You are trying to access the archive folder of yourself:

This can only happen if you have two logins <username1> and <username2>. 
You are logged in with <username1> to Lisa or Snellius.

Find out which login you are using:  

$ whoami

If you want to access the data archive of <username2>, you can do the following:

$ scp sourcefile <username2><username2>

Please also have a look at Data Archive: Optimal Archiving using dmftar

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