If you already have an account, please see our checking if you have access documentation. 

If you do not have an account, you can request an account.

Requesting a new account

Requests are managed via our key contact at your institution, usually a data steward. The request can be made following these steps.

  1. Log into our SURF service desk.
  2. Create a new issue describing your needs for the Data Archive, i.e. long-term static storage needs of your research data.
  3. Include the following necessary information in the description (for all users you want to add):
    1. Full name;
    2. Email address;
    3. Phone Number (06-Number)
    4. User name (if preferred, optional);
    5. Write access required?
      1. If yes, specify to which groups.
  4. Please also include the following information to help us provide the best service.
    1. How much data do you plan to store?
    2. What is your rough estimate about the distribution of file size?
    3. Will the data be static, or will you make updates to it?
    4. Will the data be read frequently?
    5. Will you share the data with other collaborators, within or outside your team?