Getting your WebDAV credentials

It is possible to access your Research Drive account as a network drive on your PC, laptop or mobile device. Clients other than ownCloud need additional credentials in order to connect to Research Drive. These user name and password are called WebDAV credentials.

Follow these steps to create new WebDAV credentials:

  1. Go to the menu and click Settings
  2. In the menu on the left, choose Security

  3. Scroll to WebDAV passwords, fill in an App name and click on Create new app password
  4. A username and password will be shown. It is highly recommended to create a separate password for every WebDAV connection you have.
  5. On the bottom of the page a URL appears. You need this URL or the domain part of it when you connect from your client.
  6. When you click Done the new credentials will disappear and cannot be shown again. They are still valid though as long as the app name you provided is listed in the list above.

Copy the name and password to a secure location so you can use it later. It will only be shown once on the page and cannot be obtained later on!

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