The administrator of a collaboration can invite you to become a member, so you can use the services connected to that collaboration. If you're invited, the following happens, although the exact flow depends on whether you have already used SRAM before.


You receive an invitation via email

Accepting the invitation

The "Join this collaboration" in the email button brings you to this Research Access Management web page, telling you what will happen next and informing you you will need to login.

Logging in

The blue button brings up a screen where you select with what account you want to use to access SURF Research Access Management:

Do you have an institutional account? Start typing the name of your institution. If login via your institution doesn't work, we encourage you to check within your institution and ask your research support or IT department to connect the institution to SRAM.

You can also use a guest identity provider like; check out the eduID help page on how to create and use an eduID account.


Next, you could be shown a page informing you what information about you (called attributes) are going to be transferred so you can access the service.

Acceptable use policy

If you haven't used Research Access Management before, you must accept its Acceptable Use Policy.

Collaboration details, service acceptable use policies

Finally, you will be shown a page with details for the collaboration page you have been invited to. Services used by the collaboration might require you to accept their Acceptable Use Policy before you can join.

The collaboration page

Confirming the policies and using blue button should land you in the collaboration you were invited for. Any services linked to the collaboration should be accessible for you.

In case you have questions, please first contact an admin. If you can't get help, send an email to

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