When your institution's order for SRAM is fulfilled, the contactpersoon listed in the request will be invited as 'organisation administrator'.

Organisation admin privileges

  • Edit the organisational information:
    • Name
    • Description
    • On-boarding instructions
    • Whether to automatically approve collaboration creation requests
  • Invite others within the organisation to become organisation admin or organisation manager.  
  • Decide what services are available for all collaborations of the organisation. For example a wiki or communication platform used by all collaborations.
  • Create and manage collaborations.

Organisation manager privileges

Organisation managers can create and manage collaborations and enable a service for all collaborations.


PrivilegeOrganisation adminOrganisation managerCollaboration admin

Edit organisational information


Invite other organisation admins and managers✔︎

Create a new collaboration✔︎✔︎

Process requests for new collaborations


Configure a collaboration


Manage administrators of a collaboration


Invite admins and members to a collaboration


Manage groups


Email all members of a collaboration

  • No labels