In order to use SANE for your researcher you will need to have a valid budget for the SURF Research Cloud service and be part of a SANE Collaboration. We also assume that you have contacted the data provider regarding the use of the sensitive dataset you wish to analyse in SANE. You will need to provide the contact details of a contact person from the data provider in this procedure.

1. Ensure budget

If you already have a valid budget to work on SURF Research Cloud, you can skip to step 2. If you do not already have a budget for SURF Research Cloud (either through a Small Compute applications grant or an RCCS contract), you need to first apply for this. You can apply for a Small Compute application in our servicedesk, or you can request RCCS credits via your institute. If you apply for a Small Compute Application you can combine it with a SANE Collaboration request (see step 2).

2. Request SANE Collaboration

A SANE Collaboration is a Collaboration (CO) where the data provider has the administrator role and the researcher a regular membership role. The researcher is however the one to request such a Collaboration. This request can be made through our servicedesk. Create a Ticket with fields filled out as below, or fill add this information to the  Small Compute application form if you are requesting one (see step 1).

Currently, only COs that are created under the SURF Research Cloud organisation in SRAM are supported. A CO created from any other institute will not work.

  • Summary: [SANE] <summary of project>
  • Service/System: Research Cloud
  • Type of support: Request
  • Description

    Dear Servicedesk,

    In the context of SANE on SURF Research Cloud I wish to request the following collaboration:

    Name: <enter descriptive project name here>

    <give a concise but accurate description of the research that will be done in this Collaboration and which type of data will be processed>

    Data provider contact person: <Full name & e-mail address>
    SANE variant: <Tinker or Blind>

    Kind regards,
    <Your name>

Within a few days the data provider contact person will receive in invitation to the SANE Collaboration. The data provider will invite the researcher to the Collaboration (for a full step-by-step walkthrough for a data provider see the Data provider instructions).

Once the data provider has set up the SANE project, the researcher can follow the instructions to be found at Researcher instructions (Blind or Tinker).

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