To migrate data between two instances (for example, between and a branded instance), we advice to use rclone, which you can download here:

Create federated share

To create a server-side copy, you need to create a federated share between the source and the destination.

Log in to the destination environment, and in the menu on the top-right corner go to 'settings'. Scroll down to 'Federated Cloud' and copy 'Your Federated Cloud ID'

Log in to the source environment, and share the folder you wish to migrate with your Federated Cloud ID, and select 'Federated':

You are now sharing the folder on the source environment with your account on the destination environment. On the destination environment, you will have a notification asking you to accept (or decline) the federated share. Click accept.

Now you should be able to see the federated share (don't worry about the pending state):

Create rclone config

Log in to the destination environment, go to 'settings' in the top right menu, and then to 'security'. Scroll down and create a new app password. Don't click 'done' yet! You need the information that it shows there:

You need from this:

  1. Username
  2. Password
  3. URL

Configure rclone

After installing rclone, begin by opening a command line terminal

Start the rclone cofigurator:

rclone config
rclone config

First, give a clear name to your remote:

rclone config
n) New remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config
n/s/q> n
name> destination-example

Now rclone will give you a (long) list of possible storages. Select 'Webdav'

rclone config
Type of storage to configure.
Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
 1 / Alias for a existing remote
   \ "alias"
 2 / Amazon Drive
   \ "amazon cloud drive"
19 / SSH/SFTP Connection
   \ "sftp"
20 / Webdav
   \ "webdav"
Storage> 20

Now copy/paste the full URL from the webdav settings (that you got earlier)

rclone config
URL of http host to connect to
Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
 1 / Connect to
   \ ""

Select owncloud

rclone config
Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using
Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
 1 / Nextcloud
   \ "nextcloud"
 2 / Owncloud
   \ "owncloud"
 3 / Other site/service or software
   \ "other"
vendor> 2

Copy/paste the username from the webdav settings (that you got earlier)

rclone config
User name
user> example_user

Copy/paste the password from the webdav settings (that you got earlier)

rclone config
y) Yes type in my own password
g) Generate random password
n) No leave this optional password blank
y/g/n> y
Enter the password:
Confirm the password: ********
password: ********

Depending on your rclone version, it may ask for advanced config or bearer token here. You do not need those:

rclone config
Edit advanced config? (y/n)
y) Yes
n) No (default)
y/n> n

Check the configuration and confirm if it is correct

rclone config
Remote config
type = webdav
url =
vendor = owncloud
user = example_user
pass = *** ENCRYPTED ***
y) Yes this is OK
e) Edit this remote
d) Delete this remote
y/e/d> y

Quit the configurator

rclone config
Current remotes:

Name                 Type
====                 ====
destination-example  webdav

e) Edit existing remote
n) New remote
d) Delete remote
r) Rename remote
c) Copy remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config
e/n/d/r/c/s/q> q

Testing your configuration

If all went well, you have the destination defined:

rclone config
rclone listremotes

You should be able to list your files:

rclone config
rclone ls "destination-example:/source_project/"
rclone ls "destination-example:/destination_project (Projectfolder)/"

Migrating the data

See rclone performance considerations for some important performance tips!


It is important to set the '--timeout' option high enough. As a rule of thumb, set it to 10 minutes for every GB of the biggest file in a collection. So if the biggest file you want to upload in a collection is 10GB, set --timeout 100m

This may look ridiculously large, but it provides a safe margin to avoid problems with timeout issues.

And you should be able to transfer your files:

rclone config
rclone -vvv copy --timeout 360m --use-cookies --transfers 24 "destination-example:/source_project/" "destination-example:/destination_project (Projectfolder)/"

Things not to worry about

Inactivity in the upload

The bigger the number of files, the longer it takes before the process starts running. You may see output like the below, with not much seemingly happening. This is fine, and should not be interrupted. It's creating a listing of all the files on the source, and that takes some time.

rclone config
example_user@machine1 (2020-11-11 11:47) ~  $ time rclone -vvv copy --timeout 360m --use-cookies --transfers 24 "destination-example:/source_project/" "destination-example:/destination_project (Projectfolder)/"
2020/11/11 11:48:43 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.47.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "-vvv" "copy" "--timeout" "360m" "--use-cookies" "--transfers" "24" "destination-example:/source_project/" "destination-example:/destination_project (Projectfolder)/"]
2020/11/11 11:48:43 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/example_user/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2020/11/11 11:49:43 INFO  :
Transferred:   	         0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0 / 0, -
Transferred:            0 / 0, -
Elapsed time:        1m0s

2020/11/11 11:50:43 INFO  :
Transferred:   	         0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0 / 0, -
Transferred:            0 / 0, -
Elapsed time:        2m0s

2020/11/11 11:51:43 INFO  :
Transferred:   	         0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0 / 0, -
Transferred:            0 / 0, -
Elapsed time:        3m0s

2020/11/11 11:52:43 INFO  :
Transferred:   	         0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0 / 0, -
Transferred:            0 / 0, -
Elapsed time:        4m0s

2020/11/11 11:53:43 INFO  :
Transferred:   	         0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0 / 0, -
Transferred:            0 / 0, -
Elapsed time:        5m0s

2020/11/11 11:54:43 INFO  :
Transferred:   	         0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0 / 0, -
Transferred:            0 / 0, -
Elapsed time:        6m0s

2020/11/11 11:55:43 INFO  :
Transferred:   	         0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0 / 0, -
Transferred:            0 / 0, -
Elapsed time:        7m0s

Failed to copy: Copy call failed: The destination node already exists, and the overwrite header is set to false: Sabre\DAV\Exception\PreconditionFailed: 412 Precondition Failed

This means the file already exists on the destination. Because the server side copy also resets timestamps on the destination, it will think that the two files are different. But, the server side copy cannot overwrite this file, and so it flags it as an error.

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