Versions Compared


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Each course uses it's own hub. The hubs are running at<coursename>.  The The 'coursename' will be agreed upon before the start of the course and will have either been communicated to you either by SURF or your local ICT contact.


The admin panel shows all the logins that have recently logged in, and shows which logins are currently running a Jupyter Notebook server. For example, in the image below you see that the student with login 'lcurs002' is running a Jupyter Notebook server. If needed, you as a teacher can shutdown this Jupyter Notebook server by clicking the 'stop server' button behind that particular login. Note that we use the login database of the host system (LisaSnellius) to authenticate users, not the internal login database of JupyterHub. Thus, it is not possible to add users with the Add Users button. Also, please do not use the 'edit user' button. This will make the internal login database of Jupyterhub go out of sync with the login database of the host system. The delete user button is also not functional . Though clicking it will shutdown ánd logout the corresponding user, this change is not persistent and the user can simply re-login.


Suppose we have a text file "example.txt" we'd like to use in one of our notebooks, we first construct the path where the file can be found with the following code snippet:

import os

teacher_dir = os.getenv('TEACHER_DIR')
fullpath = os.path.join(teacher_dir, 'JHS_data', 'example.txt')

Note that the environment variable TEACHER_DIR refers to the top level directory of your course material. Thus, 'fullpath' now contains the full file path to your "example.txt" file. The nice thing about using the TEACHER_DIR environment variable over hardcoding is that this code is portable: next time you setup a new course, and would run the same notebook, it will refer to the top level directory of your course setup.


If you are comfortable working with a terminal on Linux, you may want to connect to Lisa Snellius with a terminal through SSH, rather than through the Jupyter Hub / Jupyter Notebook interface. Instructions for connecting can be found in the general Lisa Snellius user manual. Typically, you'll just want to connect using

ssh <username>@lisa<username>

where your username is the same as your username for Jupyter Hub. More information can be found at the HPC User Guide.

Downloading/uploading large numbers of files

The quickest way to upload or download a large number of files is may be by connecting to Lisa Snellius through an FTP SCP or SFTP client. This is explained in the Lisa documentation:

Using customized hooks

The JHS_hooks folder contains two hooks: one called env and one called script

the HPC User Guide (Connecting to the system).

Using customized hooks

The JHS_hooks folder contains two hooks: one called env and one called script

The environment hook

The env hook can be used to change the environment and is sourced (sourcing is the way Linux systems change the current environment) whenever you or a student starts a Jupyter Notebook server. The default env hook will load a number of so-called modules. Modules are the way that on LisaSnellius, we can offer multiple versions of the same software. By default, we load the modules needed to run the Jupyter Notebook servers, and support a Python 3 and R kernel. At this time, these are the following modules:

module load 20192022
module load jupyterhubJupyterHub/13.0.0-foss-2019b-Python-GCCcore-
module load IRkernel/1.03.2-foss-2019b2022a-R-34.52.1-Python-3.6.6

Unless you really know what you are doing, we don't advise you to change these default modules or any of the environment variables that are set in the default env script. You can however add to it. For example,  if if you happen to be familiar with the module environment on LisaSnellius, you can leverage the the env hook to load any additional module you like. Do make sure that they are compatible with the modules that provide the Jupyterhub and R kernel (i.e. for the modules above, that means the foss-2019b, but please check your current env script to see what the current modules are that are loaded by default).


Using Conda virtual environments

This section describes how to install a custom kernel based on your own Conda environment. Such an environment will still use SURFs default software stack to run the Jupyter Server itself , but the kernel comes from your conda environment - and thus has access to all the packages you installed there.

Before you Before you start

Using Conda virtual environments has some pro's and con's:

  • Pro: you can start with a clean environment (if you don't use --system-site-packages, see below) and thus be completely independent from which packages we offer by default
  • Pro: you can install multiple virtual environments. If for one notebook you need a particular python package X version 1.0, while you need version 1.2 for another notebook, you can create two virtual environments, and create two custom kernels: one to run each notebook with.
  • Pro: while installing additional python packages for our default environment is easy and quick (pip install --prefix ...), installing additional non-python software may be more work and require more skill (see our section on Installing additional software). This may be easier with conda. Note that alterntively, we might be able to provide some of these dependencies at the system level so you wouldn't need a conda environment. You can enquire what is the best approach by sending in a servicedesk ticket.
  • Pro: some packages nowadays only give instructions on how to install with conda, with conda virtual environments you'd still be able to use those in our Jupyter environment.
  • Con: the system packages are generally well optimized for the hardware we use, and may therefore be slightly faster
  • Con: we provide a lot of functionality out of the box, such as notebook extensions. These depend on python packages and may break in your virtual environment (unless you use --system-site-pacakges)
  • Con: we have experience and can help you with the default kernels, as we know the exact software environment in which they are installed. With virtual environments, you are on your own (with power comes responsibility!).
  • Con: the default kernels get used a lot, and therefore issues are resolved and/or documented to the benefit of all users.
  • Con: Jupyter Notebook Extensions and Jupyter Server extensions installed in the conda environment only work if they are compatible with the version of Jupyter Notebook / Jupyter Server from the default SURF software stack. See "Using Conda virtual environments to completely replace the default software environment" below if you run into this issue.

The pro's and con's also indicate why you might want to use --system-site-packages: if you The pro's and con's also indicate why you might want to use --system-site-packages: if you want to profit from our system installations, but e.g. still need to run multiple versions of the same package for different notebooks.


# If kernel is not installed yet, install kernel for this user
if [ ! -f .local/share/jupyter/kernels/custom_rkernel/kernel.json ]; then
# Make sure conda environment is initialized
conda init bash
source .bashrc
# Activate the conda environment
conda activate ${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/conda/envs/custom_rkernel
# Normally, one would run "R -e 'IRkernel::installspec()'", but this gives a permission error on our system
# Thus, instead we install and edit the kernel spec file manually.
# First, we install the kernel for this user
jupyter kernelspec install --replace --user ${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/conda/envs/custom_rkernel/lib/R/library/IRkernel/kernelspec/
# Now, we edit it to pick up the R from the conda environment:
sed -i "s|\[\"R\"|\[\"$TEACHER_DIR/JHS_installations/conda/envs/custom_rkernel/lib/R/bin/R\"|g" ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/custom_rkernel/kernel.json
# Finally, we make sure it shows up with the name 'custom_rkernel'
sed -i "s|display_name\":\"R\"|display_name\":\"custom_rkernel\"|g" ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/custom_rkernel/kernel.json

Using Conda virtual environments and replacing the default Jupyter Server

The Jupyter Server is the server that provides you with the graphical interface in your web browser (i.e. where you see your directories and files). For example, it runs a JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook interface. The previous instructions list how to run a custom kernel on top of a Jupyter Server, Jupyter Notebook and/or JupyterLab interface provided by SURFs default environment. However, if you want to use Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Server extensions that are not compatible with SURFs version of Jupyter Server, Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab, these extensions will not work.

To circumvent this issue, you can install a Conda virtual environment and adapt our environment and script hooks so that the Jupyter Server is used from your Conda environment , instead of from the SURF default environment. This should ensure compatibility of your installed Jupyter Notebook and Server extensions with the Jupyter Server (since both are installed in your own conda environment). However, it does put extra constraints on your Conda environment as to ensure that it is compatible with SURFs JupyterHub.

Before you start

Using this setup has pro's and con's, on top of the general pro's and con's mentioned for the general Conda setup above.

  • Pro: this setup gives you the most freedom and control over your environment
  • Con: you will need to ensure that compatbile versions of batchspawner  and jupyterhub  are installed in your conda environment

Creating a conda environment to completely replace the default software 

The following steps are needed:

  • Create a Conda virtual environment in the JHS_installations directory
  • Install a version of batchspawner  and jupyterhub that is compatible with SURFs JupyterHub
  • Install a jupyter-based graphical interface, e.g. jupyterlab 
  • Install a relevant kernel, e.g. IPython . Possibly, the installation of the jupyter-based graphical interface has already installed this.
  • Install any packages in the virtual environment (as you normally would)
  • Set Unix permissions so that files/folders within the virtual environment are group readable
  • Modify the JHS_hooks/env  hook to make it load your Conda environment by default

Creating a Conda virtual environment in the JHS_installations directory

To create a Conda virtual environment called 'my_env' in the JHS_installations directory, open a terminal from the Jupyter Notebook environment (New → Terminal) and run:

conda create --prefix ${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/conda/envs/custom_python

(N.B. if the conda command is not available, contact us via the servicedesk to help you. We are working on making this available in the default environment)

NOTE: If you get the error "NotWritableError: The current user does not have write permissions to a required path.", simply run it again once or twice. This is a known bug in conda.

Installing packages in the Conda virtual environment

The first time, you may first need to run

conda init bash

(only needed if your prompt doesn't show '(base)' before your user name). If you had to run this command, close your terminal, and open a new terminal from the Jupyter Notebook environment. You should now see the '(base)' before your username.

Then, activate the conda virtual environment with the full path and install a compatible versons of batchspawner and jupyterhub . Currently, that is jupyterhub  version 4.0.2  together with the commit 2a9eda060a875a2b65ca9521368fe052a09c3266  of batchspawner  (there are no recent releases for batchspawner  unfortunately). We expect these versions to be used at least until summer 2024, but if you intend to create this type of setup, feel free to confirm with our helpdesk. Also, we need some graphical interface, in this example, we install jupyterlab , but you could instead install notebook  for a traditional Juptyer Notebook interface.

To do this:

conda activate ${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/conda/envs/custom_python
pip install git+ pip install jupyterhub==4.0.2
pip install jupyterlab
conda install ...
find ${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/conda/envs/custom_python -not -perm -g=rX -exec chmod g+rX {} \;

Making sure the Conda environment gets used to start the Jupyter Server

Next, we need to alter the environment script. We do several things here:

  • Make sure the default software environment is not loaded by commenting out the relevant module load  statements
  • Add a module load mamba/<some_version>  (a conda drop-in replacement, but more efficient) module. Check which versions are available by executing module av mamba  first in a terminal.
  • Comment out all definitions of PYTHONPATH , R_LIBS  , PATH , JUPYTER_PATH  or JUPYTER_CONFIG_PATH  environment variables (if you find that certain components from your conda environment are not being found, you may need to set some of these to point to the correct prefix within the conda environment).

Now, our JHS_hooks/env  script looks for example like:

# We comment all modules, but add a module load Mamba:
module load 2022
#module load JupyterHub/3.0.0-GCCcore-11.3.0
#module load IRkernel/1.3.2-foss-2022a-R-4.2.1
#module load jupyter-server-proxy/3.2.2-GCCcore-11.3.0
#module load jupyterlmod/3.0.0-GCCcore-11.3.0
#module load jupyter-resource-usage/0.6.3-GCCcore-11.3.0
module load Mamba/4.14.0-0
#module load FFmpeg/4.4.2-GCCcore-11.3.0

# Load the custom conda environment. This conda environment needs to provide the right jupyterhub and batchspawner
mamba init bash
source .bashrc
mamba activate ${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/conda/envs/custom_python

# Comment out all standard environment variables
# # Extract PYTHON_MAJ_MIN automatically
# export PYTHON_MAJ_MIN=$(python --version | sed -E 's/[^0-9]*([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/')
# # Set the *PATH variables so that installations done by teachers are found
# export PYTHONPATH=${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/Python/lib/python${PYTHON_MAJ_MIN}/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
# export R_LIBS=${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/R/:$R_LIBS
# export PATH=${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/Python/bin:$PATH
# export JUPYTER_PATH=${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/Python/share/jupyter:${JUPYTER_PATH}
# # Ensure ipywidgets and jupyter-matplotlib nbextensions are automatically found and enabled
# # Ensure any nbextensions installed by the teachers are automatically found and enabled
# export JUPYTER_PATH=${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/Python/share/jupyter:${JUPYTER_PATH}
# export JUPYTER_CONFIG_PATH=${TEACHER_DIR}/JHS_installations/Python/etc/jupyter:${JUPYTER_CONFIG_PATH}
# # TensorFlow by default allocates all CUDA memory, disable this

Note that after this, the default software environment no longer works. Because we commented out the above environment variables, regular installations in JHS_installations  are no longer begin picked up either: the only thing you have now, is the conda environment. 

Creating additional shared directories

To create additional shared directories, three steps are needed:

  • Creating the directory itself on shared course storage
  • Setting the correct permissions on the directory using ACLs
  • Creating links in the home directories of those users that need to see the directory

In the explaination below, we'll create two directories as an example:

  1. teachers: a directory that is readable, writeable and exectuble for teachers, but not readable, writeable or executable for students
  2. shared: a directory that is readable, writeable and exectuble for all teachers and students in the course

N.B. While the term 'executable' may seem strange for a directory, it means that a user can open and enter that directory.

Creating the directory on shared course storage

Open a terminal from the Jupyter Notebook environment (New → Terminal) and run

mkdir -p ${TEACHER_DIR}/teachers
mkdir -p ${TEACHER_DIR}/shared

Setting the correct permissions (ACLs)

There are two groups that we can use to control permissions: the jhsXXXDDD_teacher and jhsXXXDDD_access groups, where XXXDDD corresponds to the unique identifier assigned to your course that is also in the URL for your JupyterHub. These groups contain all of the teacher and student logins respectively. First, we will set the permissions for the teachers directory (again, using a terminal). Here, we give read and write permissions to all users in the group jhsXXXDDD_teacher:

setfacl -m g:jhsXXXDDD_teacher:rwx teachers

(replace the XXXDDD in the command, and all of the ones below, with the identifier for your course).

Next, we set another ACL on this directory that determines the default ACL for newly created files and directories within the teachers directory.

setfacl -d --set g:jhsXXXDDD_teacher:rwx teachers

This way, if one of the teachers would create a new file within the teachers directory, it would immediately get the correct file permissions and be readable, writeable and executable for the other teachers too.

Now, we will set the ACLs for the shared directory. Here, we want to give read, write and execute permissions both to teachers and students. This time, we immediately set the default ACL as well.

setfacl -m g:jhsXXXDDD_teacher:rwx shared
setfacl -m g:jhsXXXDDD_access:rwx shared
setfacl -d -m g:jhsXXXDDD_teacher:rwx shared
setfacl -d -m g:jhsXXXDDD_access:rwx shared

Finally, let's check that we set our ACLs correctly:

getfacl shared
# file: shared
# owner: jhsXXXDDD_surf_teacher
# group: jhsXXXDDD_teacher
# flags: -s-
getfacl teachers/
# file: teachers/
# owner: jhsXXXDDD_surf_teacher
# group: jhsXXXDDD_teacher
# flags: -s-

That looks exactly as we intended.

Symlinking the shared directory

Now, we need to make sure that this directory can easily be accessed from the Jupyter Notebook Server. The JHS_hooks/script hook is executed every time a user starts a Jupyter Notebook Server. We can use that make sure the new symlinks get created whenever a student or teacher starts their notebook server.

First, we will create two new functions in the JHS_hooks/script file. In these functions, we first check for the existence of a hidden file. If that doesn't exist, we will create the symlinks and  the hidden file. That way, we can guarentee the setup is only done once for each teacher/student. 

function setup_custom_symlinks_teacher()
# Check if symlinks were already created, and if so, return
   [[ -f ${HOME}/.custom_symlinks_created ]] && return

# Create symlink from ${TEACHER_DIR}/X to ${HOME}/X
ln -fs ${TEACHER_DIR}/teachers ${HOME}/teachers
ln -fs ${TEACHER_DIR}/shared ${HOME}/shared

# Create file to indicate symlinks have been created
touch .custom_symlinks_created

function setup_custom_symlinks_student()
   # Check if symlinks were already created, and if so, return
   [[ -f ${HOME}/.custom_symlinks_created ]] && return

# Create symlink from ${TEACHER_DIR}/shared to ${HOME}/JHS_notebooks/shared
ln -fs ${TEACHER_DIR}/shared ${HOME}/JHS_notebooks/shared

# Create file to indicate symlinks have been created
touch .custom_symlinks_created

N.B. It may seems strange that we nested the shared symlink for students within their JHS_notebooks directory. However, that is because the Jupyter Notebook Server for students by default starts in that directory.

Now, we have to make sure those functions are called. There should already be a section

if [[ ! -z $(id -nG | grep 'teacher') ]]; then

in the JHS_hook/script file. The first part of this if-statement is only execute for teacher logins. The second part is only executed for student logins. Thus, we can call the two functions in this if-else statement:

if [[ ! -z $(id -nG | grep 'teacher') ]]; then

Note that we need two setup_custom_symlinks_* functions, because we want to symlink the teachers directory only for teachers. If you want to create a shared directory that is visible to both students and  teachers, you would only need one function setup_custom_symlinks, and you could call that function outside (e.g. below) the if-else statement like this:

if [[ ! -z $(id -nG | grep 'teacher') ]]; then

Now, restart your Jupyter Notebook Server. If all went well, you should see the new directories appear as soon as your Juypter Notebook Server has restarted. If you also received a student login, it's highly recommended to also start a new Jupyter Notebook Server with that as well, to see if the students also  see the correct directories now.

Modifying permissions on shared directories

WARNING: do not alter the permissions of the JHS_* directories. Some of these are needed for the Jupyter environment to function correctly. This might lead to hard-to-debug issues. If you accidentally changed permissions of one of the JHS_* directories, please inform our helpdesk.

In some cases, you may want to alter the permissions on existing shared directories. For example, if you students had to hand in exercises before a certain deadline, you could strip their write permissions at the time of the deadline.

The cleanest way to modify ACLs is to remove all of them, and then re-add the ones you want. For example, suppose we have a directory handin. And suppose it currently is readable, writeable, and executable to both students and teachers:

getfacl handin/
# file: handin/
# owner: jhsXXXDDD_surf_teacher
# group: jhsXXXDDD_teacher
# flags: -s-

Now, we want to remove all permissions for students. What we do is remove all ACLs, and add the read/write/execute permissions for the teachers back in:

setfacl --remove-all handin
setfacl -m g:jhsXXXDDD_teacher:rwx handin
setfacl -d -m g:jhsXXXDDD_teacher:rwx handin

Finally, we check again if the correct permissions are now set:

getfacl handin/
# file: handin/
# owner: jhsXXXDDD_surf_teacher
# group: jhsXXXDDD_teacher
# flags: -s-

Note that the students will still have the symlinks to this directory in their home directory. But, they won't be able to actually enter the directory, because they don't have that permission anymore.